So, AAA came out with a study stating how dogs are an increasing distraction for drivers. Here's what they found...

I dont know about you but when i first saw this article i rolled my eyes. I am totally guilty of most of these, especially the one about having your dog on your lap. It was the only way Schizer would drive with me alone. In fact, it was more distracting trying to keep her off my lap then having her on.
Then yesterday happened. I was racing back to work on lunch when i came to a red light. I was behind a woman that didnt know the light turned green. 1 one thousand, 2 one thousand, 3 one thousand, BEEPPPP!!! I just had to! Then she goes 30 in a 45 and i was so enraged the car was fogging. When the road finally reached two lanes, i looked over ready with my meanest get off your phone look, when i see the woman giving kissy faces to her dog. The yellow lab then stuck his head out the window with the biggest grin ever.
Damn it i thought, i was no longer mad and actually caught myself smiling. Case in point... We get distracted because we are witnessing ad learning what those crazy non dog lovers (AAA) arent; it's the little things in life that lead to happiness. Like wind blowing in your hair.

Take that AAA.